Lectures and Workshops

The SAS Slovak National Corpus Department of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics in Bratislava offers those who are interested lectures on the Slovak National Corpus and its parts and practical workshops focused on the use of specific Slovak National Corpus databases.

The lectures and practical workshops are adapted to individual groups of users, they are carried out upon agreement either at the Slovak National Corpus department or on the premises of the interested parties (e.g. schools, academic workplaces, publishing houses). The lectures and workshops can be held in succession, with a practical workshop following a specific lecture, or separately, as agreed.

The workshops are conducted irregularly, upon agreement with specific interested parties, on the SNC premises. You will be informed about the workshop dates by e-mail.

The maximum number of participants in any one workshop is 7, as the workshops are interactive, and the goal is to attend to the participants individually.

Registration for any particular workshop may be done online via the current web form on the Slovak National Corpus website. At the workshop, the participants will actively work with selected corpora, therefore, it is necessary that they have their own login name and password to access the SNC databases. Participants can register for free here. Workshop participants may bring their own computer, or they can use a computer in the SNC department.

If a single institution has a larger group of interested participants, it is possible to organize a workshop directly in that specific institution upon agreement with the Slovak National Corpus staff. To run the workshop, a computer room, internet access and access to the website of the Slovak National Corpus is required.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: workshop@korpus.sk.

Currently we offer the following workshops:

  • Searching the written corpora – beginners
  • Search using regular expressions
  • Searching the spoken corpora – beginners
  • Searching the corpora – advanced
  • Searching the corpora for teachers – advanced
  • Searching the parallel corpora
  • How to use other SNC databases