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Do you know what frequencies can be found in the Slovak National Corpus? Please watch this short video on different types of frequency and frequency distribution illustrated by the example of possessive adjectives. The video is available on our YouTube channel or SNC Facebook website. It also can be found here.
Would you like to become a part of a dictionary? The Slovak National Corpus can also contain your text. This is your chance. You don’t know how? Find out here.
President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences invites applications for the post of Director of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (LSIL SAS). More information can be found here.
Who decides what is or is not standardized? Are you interested in how varieties of national language influence each other? What is the Language Counselling Department responsible for? You can read an interview with the LSIL director Gabriela Múcsková here.