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In the Slovníkový portál (Dictionary Portal) you may find new translations from the Slovak-Czech and Slovak-English Parallel Corpora. In you like to query the Slovak-Czech and Slovak-English Parallel Corpora only, use the following web address:
Did you know that a feature Trends can help a user find out when a word started to be used, when it saw an increased use or stopped being used? Please watch a short video on word frequency in time. The video is also available on our YouTube channel, or Facebook website. It also can be…
Have you flipped through the popular book Slovenčina na každý deň? Do you know what the book is about? Have you ever thought about what language means to you? Have you heard of the radio show Slovenčina na slovíčko? Please listen to the radio show Nočná pyramída (Night Pyramid) on Rádio Slovensko (Radio Slovakia) with Sibyla…
Following the video about different types of frequency and frequency distribution, we offer you to watch its continuation. Please watch this short video how to work with frequencies of more than one word at a time – illustrated by the example of possessive adjectives. The video is available on our YouTube channel, or Facebook web page. It…