Article list
80 years of the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics: Banka or banka? Money or chemistry?
10. 10. 2023
Have you ever thought about how banka (a bank) and banka (a laboratory flask) are related? Do you know what position the savings bank had in relation to the bank in the past? If you are interested, please read an interview with Dr. Mária Šimková explaining how to work with corpus here. For further information,…
10th version of the prim-10.0 released
16. 6. 2022
The new version of the main corpus of written texts prim-10.0 contains 1 688 211 881 tokens. The current version uses more precise software tools and more accurate configuration, it also offers improved tools and models developed in the SNC Department and Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS. To search the corpus free registration is required. For more information, please visit…