Časovanie slovies v slovenčine (2022)

The publication Časovanie slovies v slovenčine follows up on the work Declension of nouns in Slovak with corpus examples (Garabík et al., 2016) and describes a complex system of verb conjugation in Slovak. The focus is put firstly on formal processing of language data, which is then further analyzed through the prism of morphematics and morphology. For illustration purposes, the verb division is processed schematically and the identified conjugation types and paradigms are characterized also from the quantitative point of view. In addition to this, the work offers a practical Alphabetical list of words with representatives of the relevant conjugation types. The publication is therefore intended not only for linguists, but also for all those interested in Slovak language.
Jazykovedný časopis, 2021, roč. 72, č. 2 – SLOVKO 2021 (2021)

The special issue of Linguistic Journal dedicated to natural language processing, corpus linguistics and interdisciplinary research
Jazykovedný časopis, 2021, roč. 72, č. 2. Ed. Kristína Bobeková – Lucia Gibľáková – Jana Levická – Miroslav Zumrík. Slovak Academic Press 2021. 413 s. PDF
Slovenský národný korpus. Používanie, príklady, postupy (2020)

The textbook, a sequel of the book Slovenský národný korpus Texty, anotácie, vyhľadávania, is intended for linguists, teachers of Slovak and foreign languages of all school levels, translators, students and all those interested in corpus and language databases. The general objective of both authors is to present as many search methods as possible step by step and also according to known needs and skills of current users as well as to show the diversity of the language and its dynamics. The book offers the possibility to
present different usage of corpora in school practice for preparation of specific tasks or illustration of a current subject matter.
Filozofické aspekty korpusovej lingvistiky (2020)

Corpus linguistics is an evolving field of language cognition. It can be said that the volume of
knowledge about the language is increasing and in this sense, our understanding of the
language is expanding. However, as Aristotle states in his introduction to his Metaphysics,
knowledge in the sense of true wisdom consists in revealing the causes among phenomena.
The present work is, therefore, an attempt at reconciling a diversified field of research in corpus
linguistics with its philosophical aspects, with philosophical ideas concerning the
interrelationship of reality, mind and language.
Človek a jeho jazyk 4. Terminologické inšpirácie profesora Jána Horeckého/Man and His Language 4. Selected Terminological Papers of J. Horecký (2019)

The publication from the Man and His Language series seeks to present the work of Ján
Horecký as a source of inspiration for further research of language and terminology from the
historical and systemic aspects. In this selection, the editors included the terminological works
of J. Horecký from 1955–1997, in which he reflected on key terminological and onomasiological issues, indicated the possibilities of interlingual terminological comparison and took stock of the activities focusing on formation and unification of Slovak terminology. The publication is introduced in studies and texts by both compilers. A specific aspect of this volume is its bilingual, Slovak-English rendition, the aim of which is to mediate the terminological thinking and work of Professor Ján Horecký not only to Slovak but also to foreign readers.
Jazykovedný časopis, 2019, roč. 70, č. 2 – SLOVKO 2019 (2019)

A special issue of Linguistic Journal dedicated to natural language processing, corpus linguistic, language dynamics and changes.
Jazykovedný časopis, 2019, roč. 70, č. 2. Ed. Jana Levická – Miroslav Zumrík. Slovak Academic Press 2019. 372 s. PDF
Dynamické javy v súčasnej slovenčine a jej výskume (2018)

In the process of researching and describing contemporary Slovak, many changes related to the development of the entire language community have been noticed, as have been new methods and possibilities of research into language and its textual units. The authors focused on several areas: spelling or adopted words adaptation, lexicology, including terminology, stylistics reaching over to distance reading. The variable properties of the Slovak language system and the probe into movements in the parole are documented on the data from the Slovak National Corpus, with illustrative examples of the effective use of corpus resources and the corpus linguistics methods. The book is primarily intended for linguists, literary scholars, interested parties from the related interdisciplinary fields (e.g., digital humanities), terminologists, translators and students of the relevant majors.
Retrográdny slovník súčasnej slovenčiny. Slovné tvary na báze Slovenského národného korpusu (2018)

The work (Reverse Dictionary of Contemporary Slovak. Word Forms based on the Slovak National Corpus) provides extensive, representative and clearly structured data on the word form endings in Slovak, together with statistical processing of their occurrences and distribution. It is the first dictionary of its kind, which includes systematically processed word endings in Slovak on the basis of the extensive corpus material. As a practical reference guide for typical and less frequent word endings, the dictionary is intended for both the professional and the general public. In addition to information on the use of word form endings, it provides readers with a quick orientation in the frequency of grammatical categories and helps to detect non-intuitive phenomena and relationships in language.
Frekvenčný slovník hovorenej slovenčiny na báze Slovenského hovoreného korpusu (2018)

The Frequency Dictionary of Spoken Slovak based on the Corpus of Spoken Slovak represents the first separate processing of word and phrase occurrences of standard Slovak in the oral form. In terms of continuity, the team of authors from the SAS ĽŠIL drew on Frequency Dictionary of Slovak based on the Slovak National Corpus (Bratislava, 2017), processing occurrences of words in written texts. Both dictionaries thus provide a comprehensive picture of the most used part of the contemporary Slovak vocabulary. The Frequency Dictionary of Spoken Slovak features occurrences of words and word combinations in utterances of various kinds from the entire territory of Slovakia, processed in the Corpus of spoken Slovak spanning almost 6.6 M text units. The Frequency Dictionary contains almost 10 000 most frequently used words arranged according to the absolute frequency, according to the average reduced frequency and in alphabetical order with expanded frequency data. Its other sections feature frequency lists of
two-, three- and four-word combinations, frequency lists of words used in special communication situations, abbreviations and symbols, frequency lists of graphemes, word
classes and structural symbols used in the Corpus of spoken Slovak.
Slovenský národný korpus. Texty, anotácie, vyhľadávania (2017)

Reliable electronic resources are currently also important in the social sciences and humanities, in language teaching or in the work of translators, where the resources of the Slovak National Corpus of the SAS Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics have been used for several years now. Their creation, structure and avenues of their use are comprehensively described in the latest collective work intended for linguists, teachers of Slovak language and foreign languages at all school levels, translators, students and all those interested in corpus and language databases. Among other things, the book includes an overview of corpora, subcorpora and language resources of the Slovak National Corpus, a detailed description of two basic annotations (morphological and style-genre annotation), a terminological dictionary, a selection of metacharacters and meta-operators most commonly used in search, as well as practical
examples (instructions) of how to search for language phenomena in different corpora.
Slovník kolokácií prídavných mien v slovenčine (2017)

After publication of Slovník slovných spojení. Podstatné mená. the Dictionary of Adjectival Collocations in Slovak captures the collocability of words of yet another word class. The new dictionary contains collocation profiles of the 500 most frequent adjectives selected from the Slovak National Corpus. Individual collocation profiles represent a sample of different types of word combinations featuring an adjective, as they really operate in Slovak texts. In addition to collocations – typical multiword expressions and set multiword naming units, which form the basis of the collocation profile of each adjective – phrases and phrasemes are separately listed in the word entries section.
Frekvenčný slovník slovenčiny na báze Slovenského národného korpusu (2017)

The Frequency Dictionary of Slovak based on the Slovak National Corpus was published almost 50 years in the wake of the first publication of a dictionary of this type in Slovakia (Jozef Mistrík: Frekvencia slov v slovenčine. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied 1969). The new Frequency Dictionary captures the most frequent words in contemporary Slovak, as they were used in the 25-year span at the turn of the 21st century. Frequency data are derived from the textual and linguistic sources of the Slovak National Corpus of the SAS Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics.
Slovník slovných spojení. Podstatné mená. 2. vyd. (2017)

The second, enhanced and modified edition of the dictionary captures the collocability of 253 contemporary Slovak nouns. A noun is listed as an entry, followed by a brief explanation of its meaning(s) and its collocation profile. Collocation profiles form typical or set combinations and other frequent word combinations with the main word listed as the entry, arranged according to the word class affiliation into individual collocation structures. The singular and the plural forms of word combinations are processed separately. The dictionary part is followed by a statistical analysis of collocation profiles processed in the dictionary (methods of entry selection, material sources and statistical methods of how word combinations were selected) and statistical tables (total number of word combinations in individual entries, representation of word combinations within individual collocation structures). The publication concludes with the Index of Entries (alphabetical list of nouns processed in the dictionary).
Jazykovedný časopis, 2017, roč. 68, č. 2 – SLOVKO 2017 (2017)

The issue of the Jazykovedný časopis devoted to computer processing of natural language, corpus linguistics, terminology and e-terminology.
Jazykovedný časopis, 2017, roč. 68, č. 2. Ed. Katarína Gajdošová – Adriána Žáková. Slovak Academic Press 2017. 431 s. PDF
Skloňovanie podstatných mien v slovenčine s korpusovými príkladmi (2016)

The publication Declension of nouns in Slovak with corpus examples contains 5 main parts: Preface (short context in which the work originated), Introduction (aim and content of the work, methods used, interesting facts about declension of nouns in Slovak), Dictionary part (entry structure: entry = representative of a group of words governed by the same declension, all forms = representative’s paradigm, examples of individual form use in the prim-7.0-frk corpus texts, list of other words with the same paradigm), References to text sources (reference list of the texts cited in the declension examples), Alphabetical list of words with representatives of the relevant declension types (register of nouns mentioned in the dictionary and their grammatical gender plus a reference to their representative). This is the first complex treatise on the declension of nouns within corpus linguistics.
SLOVKO 2015. Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics, Lexicography. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, korpusová lingvistika, lexikografia (2015)

Proceedings from the 8th biennial international scientific conference SLOVKO 2015 with the subtitle of natural language computer processing, corpus linguistics, lexicography, contains 15 scientific papers devoted to the areas of computer processing of natural languages, corpus linguistics and e-lexicography by authors from the Czech Republic, France, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics, Lexicography. SLOVKO 2015. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeneého jazyka, korpusová lingvistika, lexikografia. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2015. Ed. Katarína Gajdošová – Adriána Žáková. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag 2015. 170 s. ISBN 978-3-942303-32-3. PDF
Jazykovedné štúdie XXXI. Rozvoj jazykových technológií a zdrojov na Slovensku a vo svete (10 rokov Slovenského národného korpusu) (2014)

The proceedings contain 14 scientific papers by 20 authors from 6 countries, presented at the conference of the same name. The first two contributions concern the international META-NET and CESAR projects, which bring together several European countries; the other 12 papers provide information on the status and development of national projects, mainly in the fields of corpus linguistics, automatic speech processing, software applications and also the specific use of text corpora, for example as part of the anti-plagiarism campaign. The proceedings, spanning 190 pages, offer not only information-dense reports on current European cooperation in the field of language technologies and its potential for the future, but especially a relatively exhaustive portrait of computer language processing projects in Slovak, Czech, Russian, Bulgarian and Hungarian. (from the review of the proceedings reviewer J. Levická) The studies in the proceedings are published in Slovak and English.
Jazykovedné štúdie XXXI. Rozvoj jazykových technológií a zdrojov na Slovensku a vo svete (10 rokov Slovenského národného korpusu). Ed. Katarína Gajdošová – Adriána Žáková. Bratislava: VEDA 2014. 190 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1391-6. PDF
Aktuálne otázky terminológie marketingu (2014)

The proceedings consist of 14 papers, mainly by university teachers, three of which are foreign.
The papers deal not only with general theoretical issues of accepting neologisms, unification of
terminology or the influence of English on the Slovak marketing terminology, but also with more specific analyzes in terms of precise definition of related terms and search for equivalents in Slovak. (from the proceedings’ Introduction) The studies in the proceedings are published in the Slovak language.
Aktuálne otázky terminológie marketingu. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Ed. Jana Levická – Kristína Viestová. Bratislava: Slovenský národný korpus 2014. 207 s. ISBN 978-80-971690-1-5. PDF
SLOVKO 2013. Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics, E-learning. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, korpusová lingvistika, e-learning (2013)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2013 contain 26 scientific papers devoted to the areas of natural language computer processing, corpus linguistics and e-learning. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics, E-learning. SLOVKO 2013. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, korpusová lingvistika, e-learning. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2013. Ed. Katarína Gajdošová – Adriána Žáková. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag 2013. 303 s. ISBN 978-3-942303-18-7. PDF
The Slovak Language in the Digital Age (2012)

The publication owes its existence to the support provided by the CESAR and METANET projects, and to the cooperating authors from all over Slovakia. It summarizes the history of the origin of Slovak, its specific features compared to other languages and, especially, in the European information society, and a comparison of the state of support the 30 European languages under examination have been able to enjoy. The aim of the White Paper Series is to alert the governments and commercial sectors of the countries whose support of the language technology development has been poor to their lagging behind in this area and to stimulate their interest in improving the situation.
ŠIMKOVÁ, Mária – GARABÍK, Radovan – GAJDOŠOVÁ, Katarína – LACLAVÍK, Michal – ONDREJOVIČ, Slavomír – JUHÁR, Jozef – GENČI, Ján – FURDÍK, Karol – IVORÍKOVÁ, Helena – IVANECKÝ, Jozef: Slovenský jazyk v digitálnom veku – The Slovak Language in the Digital Age. Berlin – New York: Springer 2012. 85 s. ISBN 978-3-642-30370-8. META-NET
Neologizmy v terminológii marketingu (2010)

Proceedings titled Neologisms in Marketing Terminology are one of the outputs of the VEGA 2/0091/09 project titled Processing of Business Terminology to meet the needs of the Slovak terminological database, with the emphasis on the analysis of terminological neologisms, addressed by the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics in liaison with the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava. The proceedings consist of 15 papers, of which two are from abroad. The proceedings' topics touch on general theoretical and practical issues, such as neologisms, the outlook for unifying terminology in the field of marketing or terminology in the process of its translation. Diving deeper, the second half of the authors focuses on more specific issues, such as: the terminological planning in French-speaking countries, development of the term "consumer", the impact of English on Slovak marketing terminology, the specification of marketing terminology in transport, the issue of innovation, the efforts to harmonize concepts, precise definition and differentiation of related terms and searching for equivalents in Slovak. The proceedings, as well as the workshop of the same name, meet the goal of analyzing the current terminological topics and offering ideas how to resolve them.
Neologizmy v terminológii marketingu. Ed. Jana Levická – Kristína Viestová. Bratislava: Slovenský národný korpus 2010. 137 s. ISBN 978-80-7399-944-5. PDF
SLOVKO 2011. Natural Language Processing, Multilinguality. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, multilingválnosť (2011)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2011 contain 19 scientific papers devoted to the areas of natural language computer processing and multilingualism. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
Natural Language Processing, Multilinguality. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, multilingválnosť. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2011. Ed. Daniela Majchráková – Radovan Garabík. Brno: Tribun 2011. 180 s. ISBN 978-80-263-0049-6. PDF
SLOVKO 2009. NLP, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar Research. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, korpusová lingvistika a gramatický výskum (2009)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2009 contain 39 scientific papers devoted to the areas of natural language computer processing, corpus linguistics and grammar research. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
NLP, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar Research. Počítačové spracovanie prirodzeného jazyka, korpusová lingvistika a gramatický výskum. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2009. Ed. Jana Levická – Radovan Garabík. Brno: Tribun 2009. 405 s. ISBN 978-80-7399-875-2. PDF
Mondilex (2009)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2009 contain 39 scientific papers devoted to the areas of natural language computer processing, corpus linguistics and grammar research. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
Metalanguage and Encoding Scheme Design for Digital Lexicography. Ed. Radovan Garabík. Brno: Tribune EU 2009. 194 s. ISBN 978-80-7399-745-8. PDF
SLOVKO 2007. Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages. Slovanské a východoeurópske jazyky v počítačovom spracovaní (2007)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2007 contain 34 scientific papers devoted to the areas of computer processing of Slavic and Eastern European languages. Studies in the proceedings are published in English and Czech.
Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages. Slovanské a východoeurópske jazyky v počítačovom spracovaní. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2007. Ed. Jana Levická – Radovan Garabík. Brno: Tribun 2007. 315 s. ISBN 978-80-87139-05-9. PDF
Insight into the Slovak and Czech Corpus Linguistics (2006)

The proceedings titled Insight into the Slovak and Czech Corpus Linguistics were originally conceived as a set of lectures by foreign computer and corpus linguists, who held regular lectures at the Slovak National Corpus Department of the Slovak Academy of Sciences' Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics Ľ. in Bratislava between November 4, 2002 and June 28, 2004. Based on the submitted contributions and amended studies on current results in the Slovak National Corpus project, the annotations of processed texts and plans for corpus morphosyntactic research, the issue presents a selected set of studies on the state of the corpus and on the options the corpus linguistics in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic had and the results it has achieved in the first half of the first decade of the 21st century.
Insight into the Slovak and Czech Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Mária Šimková. Bratislava: VEDA 2006. 208 s. ISBN 80-224-0880-8. PDF
SLOVKO 2005. Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages. Slovanské a východoeurópske jazyky v počítačovom spracovaní (2005)

The proceedings from the international scientific conference SLOVKO 2005 contain 27 scientific
papers devoted to the areas of computer processing of Slavic and Eastern European languages. Studies in the proceedings are published in English.
Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages. Slovanské a východoeurópske jazyky v počítačovom spracovaní. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SLOVKO 2005. Ed. Radovan Garabík. Bratislava: VEDA 2005. 246 s. ISBN 80-224-0895-6. PDF