Article list
Linguist Ábel Kráľ passed away on May 12, 2023 at the age of 90. He was one of the representative people of Slovak linguistics, especially in the field of Slovak pronunciation – phonetics and phonology. His most influential work is Pravidlá slovenskej výslovnosti (The Rules of Slovak Pronunciation). Among other things, he co-authored Atlas slovenských…
The first version of the Slovak-Ukrainian Parallel Corpus contains about 4.3 million tokens (2.1 milion tokens in the Slovak part and 2.2 million tokens in the Ukrainian part). We believe that our corpora could be helpful in the comparative research, as well as in the field of translatology. TTo search the corpus free registration is required. For more information,…
The fourth version of the Slovak-French Parallel Corpus has been completed with 19 additional books, so the current version contains 452 million tokens (217.8 milion tokens in the Slovak part and 233.9 million tokens in the French part). We believe that our corpora could be helpful in the comparative research, as well as in the…
Please watch a short instructional video on how to search for the most frequent words describing phobias in Slovak National Corpus. The video is available on our YouTube channel, or Facebook website. You can also find it here.