Article list

Časovanie slovies v slovenčine – The publication Conjugation of verbs in Slovak (M. Zumrík – D. Majchráková – L. Miháliková, 2022) follows up on the work Declension of nouns in Slovak with corpus examples (Garabík et al., 2016) and describes a complex system of verb conjugation in Slovak. The focus is put firstly on formal…
The new version of the main corpus of written texts prim-10.0 contains 1 688 211 881 tokens. The current version uses more precise software tools and more accurate configuration, it also offers improved tools and models developed in the SNC Department and Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS. To search the corpus free registration is required. For more information, please visit…
The new version of the corpus hist-6.0 contains 916 743 tokens. Texts in the Corpus of Historical Slovak are not lemmatized nor morphologically annotated, users can search for a word form or use CQL. Transcriptions include information about the origin of the text, its storage (or release) and date. To search the corpus free registration is required. For more information,…

Slovenský národný korpus. Používanie, príklady, postupy – The textbook, a sequel of the book Slovenský národný korpus Texty, anotácie, vyhľadávania, is intended for linguists, teachers of Slovak and foreign languages of all school levels, translators, students and all those interested in corpus and language databases. The general objective of both authors is to present as…