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Do you know the Word of the Year 2023? ChatGPT, bezpríznakovosť, Ódor… Word of the Year is one of the favourite journalistic genres in various countries. In the recent history the Word of the Year was usually chosen by public vote or linguists themselves, today we can be more precise using corpus data analysis. More…
Have you ever thought how Dictionary of Slovak Language was compiled? Is it true that the first monolingual dictionary of Slovak was produced 120 years after Slovak became standardized? The article written by Mária Pisárčiková, who gives detailed information on compiling the first monolingual dictionary of Slovak with the editor-in-chief Štefan Peciar, is available here. For…
The latest version of the corpus of historical Slovak hist-7.0 contains 981,000 tokens. Is is made up of texts from the pre-codification period. It is comprised of both own project’s transliterated texts, as well as printed texts. The texts are not lemmatized nor morphologically annotated, users can search for a word form or use CQL….
Let us invite you to the workshop Corpus Databases – Data Sources Used in Research in Social Communication, that will take place on 21 January, 2024 at 2PM at the premises of the Institute for Research in Social Communication. Dr. Jana Levická from the Slovak National Corpus Department of Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS is going to present…