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We are pleased to invite you to the 13th international conference SLOVKO 2025 that will be held on 15–17 October 2025 at Hotel Devín in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference is focused on natural language processing and corpus linguistics. Further information can be found in the first call or at the conference website. Please, send us the registration form via by January 31, 2025.
The worskshop entitled Jazykovedné dielo Antona Habovštiaka – Inšpirácie a metamorfózy organized by the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slavic Linguistic Society and St. Martin´s Cathedral in Bratislava was held in Bratislava last week. The scientific event was aimed to present an extensive work of Anton Habovštiak – a leading…
Let us introduce our first video of the series entitled Corpus and Education. The purpose of the series is to show how corpus data can be easily gained to make language learning material used on Slovak classes. Please watch a short video about searching for a number of lemmas to demonstrate synonymy or language variability….
The Slovak Named Entity Corpus snec-1.0 contains 468 715 tokens in 201 texts from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Is is comprised of 27 000 sentences with more than 67 000 entities. Morphologically annotated texts have undergone a semi-automated supervised control. The corpus contains data from the project Koncepcia a realizácia sémantickej anotácie korpusu (identifikácia viacslovných pomenovaní, ručná anotácia pomenovaných…