Article list
On February 21, 2025 all services provided by the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics will be out of service from 11:30 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The pilot version of the literary author corpus lak-1.0 contains 177 938 tokens (140 536 words). The pilot version of the literary author corpus consists of the following three texts by the leading Slovak writer Pavel Vilikovský (1941 – 2020): Forever is Green… (“Večne je zelený”, 1989), A Pedestrian Story (“Peší príbeh”, 1992), and The Last Horse of Pompeii (“Posledný kôň Pompejí”, 2001)….
We would like to remind you that the registration deadline for the 13th international conference SLOVKO 2025 is 31 January 2025. Further information can be found on the website:
We all wish you a very merry Christmas full of kind and hearty words and a successful New year! The Christmas card is available here. LSIL